run, rachel, run

A few months ago, my husband and 17-year old son signed up to run a 10 mile race. I thought, I’ve run a half marathon before, alright you sonofabitches, I’m in! For those that don’t know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. I figured 10 was doable. Easy even.

Which would have been true had I started training when I signed up. Or even 5 weeks later. But I didn’t, so here I am, prepping for a 10 mile run with a four-week training schedule.

Despite not having run consistently in the last, oh I don’t know, 10 years or so….I managed my first couple of runs with only a few minor aches. Those were relieved with stretching the day of, and they were gone by the following morning. I thought to myself, if I can do this, anyone can. Maybe they just need a little encouragement.

So here I am, a week later, throwing myself into yet another project I probably don’t have time for. But that’s why I’m doing it. It excites me to share my journey- whether in running, cooking, or trying to balance #momlife with work and self-care. Maybe this is my self care. The something I do for myself when the kids go to bed. Or in the few minutes I have between patients at work.

Either way, here I am and here you are. Stay tuned for recipes with “easy ingredients that are already in your pantry” that are actually in your pantry. Or at least at the local grocery store and pronounceable. I’ll also post my workouts- both running and otherwise, ways I’ve made the chaos of my life not so, well, chaotic, and how to build in a little more self care. What IS self care? Check back next week….ish….to find out more.

I’d love to get to know you- leave a comment or send me a message.


what is “self-care”?